Our clients often ask, “are your video brochures manufactured in the USA?”

The simple answer is no, but let us explain why.

As Americans, we focus on buying our local economy and the goods produced in this county. Although we would like to build our video brochures in the US, our team of experts has determined that it will not produce the best quality product for our customers. For us, quality is most important on all other factors.

As one of the pioneers of video in print technology in the USA,we made the decision approximately 10 years ago to invest in a manufacturing facility in Hong Kong. This allows us to handle all aspects of the components and printing technology that we can provide to our clients. By investing in an overseas facility, we save our clients time,energy, and money. With that, we also give our clients peace of mind that every video brochure they receive will be of the highest quality.

Read complete blog click here: Video Brochures Florida

For more info visit website: Video Brochures New York

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You can order here: Video Brochure Prices



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