Video Brochures Help To Build A Better Brand | Video Brochures Florida

Every brand strives to stand out from the rest of the pack. To do that, you must offer something different, an innovative twist on the tried-and-true methods of communicating with customers. Video Brochures are here to improve your brand and your brand recognition.

If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, let’s start by explaining what exactly a video brochure is. A video brochure is a hand-assembled card-based marketing piece with either a TFT or LCD screen installed in them which plays a short video that explains your product or services in detail.

The main goal behind video brochures is to give your audience a first-hand interactive experience in your company or product. It’s a physical item your consumers can hold in their hands to receive a high impact message about your company. Instead of telling your audience who you are, simply show them with a video brochure.

When it comes to internet access, video brochures don’t require Wi-Fi. Either opening the brochure with auto-play or pushing the button will begin the video from anywhere it is viewed.

Another factor that is completely is up to you is the storage size of the video brochure. It’s important to note that you are not limited to installing just one video. You have the capability of loading multiple videos. The limiting factor is the size of the storage you select.

Video brochures are effective in growing your brand for several reasons:

  • They grab attention: Individuals are not expecting to see a video after they open a physical brochure. They seemingly expect the traditional combination of images and text. But even the best brochures aren’t nearly as inventive.

  • They provide a variety: Traditional brochures don’t provide a lot of freedom for creativity. They embody relevant information alongside some images, and that’s just about it. With video brochures, you’ve got space to incorporate a product demo or how-to video, a brand story video, or perhaps a customized message to your customers.

  • They give more value: If you’re lucky, a prospect can scan through your brochure once and then cast it aside. Video brochures will embody valuable videos, like product demos, that may be referenced persistently once a customer first opens it. Long term value goes a long way toward keeping customers engaged with your brand.

  • Easy to load content: One of the biggest benefits of incorporating video brochures as part of your marketing strategy, is the fact that video content is easily added from a Mac or PC. This allows you to showcase your products and services in a different light. In fact, the smartest way to take advantage of video brochures would be to reload new videos of your products as they become dated.

That way you can continually recycle the video brochures with each new product or service your firm launches. In other words, you are using the video brochure to kill two birds with one stone. These pieces offer you the ability to swap videos as you like.

Our PrintAVizion team is ready to surprise your customers with a unique video brochure design!

If you’re ready, contact us today!!

Get More Info : Video Brochures Help To Build A Better Brand



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